Monday, May 20, 2013

I don't think I have attention problems but this post does!!!!!!!!!!

 After seeing the damage done to our trees by deer, buffalo and rabbits I don't think I will feed the wildlife for awhile!! Maybe next winter I will feel sorry for them and feed them again:)
 We got a few calves worked and out to pasture last week. We were going to do a bunch today but it rained that is fine with us.
 You said you were going to do what?????? We gave shots to our babies to keep them healthy so why not our calves? At least none of these guys ran out of the Dr's office like my husband and his sister did when they were little:) It didn't help them they still got their shots. I wonder if  a spanking went with it LOL
 Made a couple more aprons. I got the star fabric at the new quilt shop in Huron. It's in with the Java Hut.

 To greener pastures..

 Their summer home! I think we should all have a summer home oh what am I thinking we do it's the pickup checking these guys out to make sure they are still in their summer homes.

 Becky and John's presents.

 I took these on the way home from Brookings because Lucas wants to see how big their bills or beaks are. I don't think his idea about how to see them is legal (shooting one) so the pictures was the next best thing. Hunting must be in boys DNA at least in our family:)

 Last night we shut all the gates in Larry's pasture thinking we would be putting cows in it today. Oh well it's done now.
 This is just the cab of the pickup! The box is worse:)
 What is that motto Always be prepared I guess it's a good one.

If you read this Larry and Joan I love your pasture it's hilly, has lots of dips,big rocks and history!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I didn't know Huron had a new quilt shop! Can't wait to visit it. I've often said how the town that hosts the SD Guild could not have a quilt shop was strange. Isn't the rain and new green grass beautiful!! Your aprons are so cute and creative as always. Love the animal pictures in the little truck--always gives me a smile.